StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Satori's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

26.32% (10/38)
854 ± 160
18.75% (3/16)
826 ± 226
23.08% (3/13)
856 ± 226
44.44% (4/9)
880 ± 226
854 ± 160
826 ± 226
856 ± 226
880 ± 226
All 1026 ± 160 on May 23, 2018
vP 999 ± 226 on May 23, 2018
vT 1026 ± 226 on May 23, 2018
vZ 1053 ± 226 on May 23, 2018
Race Zerg
Country Poland
Full name Łukasz Małkowski
First match Jan. 31, 2018
Last match Jan. 19, 2019
Aligulac ID 15786

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
01/19/2019 882 Satori PL Z 0–2 T PL Sweter 898 LotV online
12/11/2018 917 Satori PL Z 0–1 T PL SoBoTeK 1027 LotV online
12/11/2018 917 Satori PL Z 0–2 T PL Tocon 1093 LotV online
10/20/2018 895 Satori PL Z 0–1 P PL Ziomek 1044 LotV online
10/20/2018 895 Satori PL Z 1–0 P PL Canabuz 719 LotV online
10/20/2018 895 Satori PL Z 0–2 P PL Indy 1804 LotV online
08/12/2018 912 Satori PL Z 0–2 P US Kamarill 1044 LotV online
07/29/2018 1007 Satori PL Z 1–2 T SE LittleMarine LotV online
07/29/2018 1003 Satori PL Z 2–0 Z DE Miyamori 919 LotV online
07/29/2018 1007 Satori PL Z 0–2 T CA JadedShard LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Comrade Gaming Aug. 3, 2018 Feb. 2, 2019 no
1stCav Feb. 1, 2018 Aug. 3, 2018 no