StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Hyonra's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

55.56% (30/54)
1062 ± 160
50.00% (5/10)
1077 ± 226
58.33% (14/24)
1027 ± 226
55.00% (11/20)
1082 ± 226
1062 ± 160
1077 ± 226
1027 ± 226
1082 ± 226
All 1062 ± 114 (#413) on Feb. 13, 2019
vP 1077 ± 167 (#414) on Feb. 13, 2019
vT 1050 ± 155 (#366) on Nov. 8, 2017
vZ 1082 ± 166 (#403) on Feb. 13, 2019
Race Terran
Country United Kingdom
First match Aug. 3, 2017
Last match Feb. 9, 2019
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 14671

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
02/09/2019 1050 Hyonra UK T 0–2 T UK Ziroy 941 LotV offline
02/09/2019 984 Hyonra UK T 2–0 Z UK Wok 521 LotV offline
02/09/2019 1009 Hyonra UK T 0–2 P UK Ourk 1703 LotV offline
02/08/2019 984 Hyonra UK T 2–0 Z DE RaketeTuerHD LotV offline
02/08/2019 1050 Hyonra UK T 0–2 T UK GamerRichy 1539 LotV offline
02/08/2019 1009 Hyonra UK T 2–0 P UK ExoLightning 1013 LotV offline
02/08/2019 984 Hyonra UK T 0–2 Z UK Savage 1062 LotV offline
02/08/2019 984 Hyonra UK T 2–0 Z UK EmTee 944 LotV offline
10/14/2017 1015 Hyonra UK T 0–2 T UK FinnZi 844 LotV offline
10/14/2017 1015 Hyonra UK T 2–0 T UK Boab 944 LotV offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
RedDragons no