StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to CmPltLyShT's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

31.05% (68/219)
778 ± 160
36.59% (30/82)
824 ± 226
16.00% (8/50)
707 ± 226
33.33% (27/81)
803 ± 226
778 ± 160
824 ± 226
707 ± 226
803 ± 226
All 984 ± 155 (#499) on Aug. 2, 2017
vP 984 ± 223 (#496) on Aug. 2, 2017
vT 984 ± 223 (#506) on Aug. 2, 2017
vZ 989 ± 226 on April 24, 2019
Race Zerg
Country Germany
First match July 2, 2017
Last match Oct. 6, 2020
Total earnings $1
Matches played 100 (0.00% offline)
Aligulac ID 14548

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
10/06/2020 787 CmPltLyShT DE R 1–2 R DE Danischu 947 LotV online
09/29/2020 719 CmPltLyShT DE Z 1–2 T DE Chaos 908 LotV online
08/26/2020 876 CmPltLyShT DE Z 0–2 Z DE Dronehard 1098 LotV online
08/19/2020 876 CmPltLyShT DE Z 0–2 Z PL Trifax 1124 LotV online
08/19/2020 765 CmPltLyShT DE Z 0–2 T DE Soon 1038 LotV online
08/19/2020 875 CmPltLyShT DE Z 0–2 P SE FightingFrog 1496 LotV online
08/12/2020 816 CmPltLyShT DE Z 2–1 P DE Humpen 1003 LotV online
08/05/2020 816 CmPltLyShT DE Z 2–0 P DE Aerocool 999 LotV online
08/03/2020 886 CmPltLyShT DE Z 0–2 Z UA Bly 2426 LotV online
08/03/2020 816 CmPltLyShT DE Z 2–0 P CL ZeroGLHF 950 LotV online