StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Nadagast's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

54.05% (20/37)
1076 ± 160
47.62% (10/21)
1014 ± 226
100.00% (4/4)
1134 ± 226
50.00% (6/12)
1081 ± 226
1076 ± 160
1014 ± 226
1134 ± 226
1081 ± 226
All 1101 ± 108 (#221) on Nov. 17, 2010
vP 1041 ± 186 (#282) on Sept. 22, 2010
vT 1159 ± 191 (#189) on Nov. 17, 2010
vZ 1106 ± 158 (#228) on Nov. 17, 2010
Race Terran
Country United States of America
Full name Garrett Mitchell
Birthday July 7, 1985
First match Aug. 28, 2010
Last match May 17, 2011
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 1374
External TLPD:WoL:IN

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
05/17/2011 1106 Nadagast US T 0–2 Z SE LaLuSh 1193 WoL online
11/06/2010 1020 Nadagast US T 1–2 P US ReSpOnSe 994 WoL offline
11/06/2010 1050 Nadagast US T 2–1 Z SE ZpuX 1012 WoL offline
11/06/2010 1020 Nadagast US T 0–2 P DE Socke 1521 WoL offline
11/05/2010 1050 Nadagast US T 2–1 Z SE ZpuX 1012 WoL offline
11/05/2010 1020 Nadagast US T 2–0 P US Hordeau WoL offline
10/16/2010 1041 Nadagast US T 2–0 T US SiN 973 WoL online
10/16/2010 1041 Nadagast US T 2–0 Z US CheeseGrater WoL online
10/16/2010 1041 Nadagast US T 0–2 Z CA SLusH 1044 WoL online
10/16/2010 1041 Nadagast US T 2–0 T US KawaiiRice 1193 WoL offline