StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Jimmeh's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

31.82% (7/22)
872 ± 160
824 ± 226
50.00% (4/8)
928 ± 226
37.50% (3/8)
865 ± 226
872 ± 160
824 ± 226
928 ± 226
865 ± 226
All 949 ± 121 (#872) on June 29, 2011
vP 944 ± 217 (#952) on June 1, 2011
vT 947 ± 201 (#864) on June 29, 2011
vZ 970 ± 173 (#747) on June 29, 2011
Race Protoss
Country Denmark
Full name Jimmy Hoang
First match April 21, 2011
Last match July 28, 2012
MC number 1
Aligulac ID 1359
External TLPD:WoL:IN

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
07/28/2012 918 Jimmeh DK P 0–2 P DK Utopi 844 WoL offline
07/28/2012 935 Jimmeh DK P 2–0 T DK Khyira WoL offline
07/28/2012 958 Jimmeh DK P 0–2 Z DK Avekatten 951 WoL offline
01/08/2012 947 Jimmeh DK P 1–2 T FR Dayshi 966 WoL online
06/20/2011 944 Jimmeh DK P 2–1 Z UA HappyZerG 946 WoL online
06/20/2011 944 Jimmeh DK P 0–2 P US RaNgeD 1030 WoL online
04/21/2011 Jimmeh DK P 1–2 Z DK Munck WoL offline
04/21/2011 Jimmeh DK P 1–2 T FI Fuzer 938 WoL offline
04/21/2011 Jimmeh DK P 0–2 P KR MC 1668 WoL offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Rip zeez no