StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions

33.26% (142/427)
29.05% (43/148)
33.10% (47/142)
35.16% (45/128)
19.35% (6/31)
14.29% (2/14)
25.00% (2/8)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, ZesTea is 142–285 (33.26%) in games and 64–140 (31.37%) in matches.

PiGosaur Cup #24 hide
03/24/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T RU Nicoract LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #23 hide
03/17/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P KR ReBellioN LotV online
Monday Night Weeklies #9 hide
03/17/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–1 Z NL doomrat LotV online
03/17/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P RU Shameless LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #21 hide
03/03/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P RU Shameless LotV online
03/03/2025 ZesTea US Z 2–0 R skyrunner LotV online
Monday Night Weeklies #7 hide
03/03/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–1 Z SE Cellsidus LotV online
03/03/2025 ZesTea US Z 1–0 Z LV Sugarcult LotV online
03/03/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P PL Rodzyn LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #19 hide
02/17/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z KR Solar LotV online
Monday Night Weeklies #5 hide
02/17/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–1 P IT Azura LotV online
02/17/2025 ZesTea US Z 1–0 Z UK Lilipadd LotV online
02/17/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P FR PsiOniC LotV online
HupCup #6 hide
02/16/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–1 T US Vindicta LotV online
02/16/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T KR Percival LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #18 hide
02/10/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T KR Percival LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #17 hide
02/03/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z KR Solar LotV online
02/03/2025 ZesTea US Z 2–1 P KR Ateshi LotV online
HupCup #4 hide
01/19/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–1 P DE Wingent LotV online
01/19/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T KR Percival LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #14 hide
01/06/2025 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T CL LucianO LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #11 hide
12/16/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P PE Mute LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #10 hide
12/09/2024 ZesTea US Z 1–2 T US Patches LotV online
HupCup #1 hide
12/08/2024 ZesTea US Z 1–2 T PL Flexy LotV online
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Grand Finals hide
12/07/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–3 P US Rob LotV offline
12/07/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 T US Gyalgatine LotV offline
12/07/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
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12/07/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–1 P US chelseafan LotV offline
12/07/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US jheffe LotV offline
PiGosaur Cup #3 hide
10/21/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P KR ReBellioN LotV online
Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #8 hide
10/21/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P RU Shameless LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #2 hide
10/14/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P KR ReBellioN LotV online
Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #7 hide
10/14/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P FI Alluton LotV online
Ursasaurus Cup #4 Main Event hide
09/30/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z KR Dark LotV online
09/30/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–1 T US MedicJR LotV online
Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #5 hide
09/30/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US Dolan LotV online
Ursasaurus Cup #3 Main Event hide
09/23/2024 ZesTea US Z 1–2 Z US JmaC LotV online
Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #4 hide
09/23/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T FR Clem LotV online
09/23/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z PL Pie LotV online
Ursasaurus Cup #2 Main Event hide
09/16/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z BY Nikich LotV online
09/16/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P MrNibbles LotV online
Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #3 hide
09/16/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
09/16/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–1 Z RU Hatsu LotV online
Ursasaurus Cup #1 Main Event hide
09/09/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US Astrea LotV online
09/09/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–1 P PE NotVeRITate LotV online
Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #2 hide
09/09/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P GR Statis LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Tenacious Turtle Tussle #15 hide
09/02/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P CA LEGENDARY LotV online
Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #1 hide
09/02/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #242 hide
08/26/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 T US Senna LotV online
08/26/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P IT Azura LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #242 hide
08/26/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z RU GgMaChine LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #241 hide
08/19/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T BR INexorable LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #241 hide
08/19/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P HR goblin LotV online
08/19/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P SM Spartacus LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #230 hide
06/03/2024 ZesTea US Z 1–2 Z US Yuno LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #230 hide
06/03/2024 ZesTea US Z 1–2 P GR Statis LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #229 hide
05/27/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P US ieLLiMo LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #229 hide
05/27/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 R FR GuGus LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #227 hide
05/13/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z CN Silky LotV online
05/13/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 T US Senna LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #226 hide
05/06/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P PE Lorem LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #225 hide
04/29/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US Epic LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #222 hide
04/08/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
04/08/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z BR DemonOfNight LotV online
04/08/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z LV Gann LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #219 hide
03/18/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z KR Dark LotV online
03/18/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–1 T DE Herold LotV online
CommJumity League Cup #4 hide
03/17/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P RU Shameless LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #218 hide
03/11/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T PE tavo LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #218 hide
03/11/2024 ZesTea US Z 1–2 P UK Countess LotV online
CommJumity League Cup #3 hide
03/10/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z BY Nikich LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #217 hide
03/04/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T DE BattleB LotV online
03/04/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–1 T PL Homura LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #217 hide
03/04/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P FR Hirich LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #216 hide
02/26/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z KR Dark LotV online
02/26/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–1 Z FR Matt LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #216 hide
02/26/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P UA Gref LotV online
CommJumity League Cup #2 hide
02/25/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
02/25/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P PL Nanian LotV online
The Logic Games #1 hide
02/24/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
02/24/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 T UA astro LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #215 hide
02/19/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T CA BabyZyn LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #215 hide
02/19/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T FR Clem LotV online
02/19/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z SE Davelitoss LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #214 hide
02/12/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P KR Classic LotV online
02/12/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z CA Steadfast LotV online
02/12/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–1 T PE ImperiuS LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #213 hide
02/05/2024 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US BerryPunch LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #210 hide
01/15/2024 ZesTea US Z 1–2 Z US TheWayMan LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #206 hide
12/18/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T MX SpeCial LotV online
12/18/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 T CA SpiffyBee LotV online
Dreamhack BYOC 2023 Atlanta hide
12/16/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–1 Z US Meowerdoom LotV offline
12/16/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–1 P US Rob LotV offline
ESL Open Cup Americas #205 hide
12/11/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US Future LotV online
12/11/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–1 T CA Vanish LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #204 hide
12/04/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T FR Clem LotV online
12/04/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z SV Rare LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #203 hide
11/27/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z KR Dark LotV online
11/27/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z FR Matt LotV online
Patches' 6k Open #2 hide
11/25/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–1 Z NinjaMonster LotV online
11/25/2023 ZesTea US Z 1–0 R US Meven LotV online
11/25/2023 ZesTea US Z 1–2 Z FR Matt LotV online
11/25/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P US TheSwiss LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #202 hide
11/20/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T BR YanXII LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #200 hide
11/06/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T FR Clem LotV online
11/06/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–1 P DE saVer LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #199 hide
10/30/2023 ZesTea US Z 1–2 P CA LEGENDARY LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #178 hide
06/05/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z AU PiG LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2023 Summer NA hide
06/04/2023 ZesTea US Z 1–2 P US acheron LotV online
06/03/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–1 T VN Lamduy LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #177 hide
05/29/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US Patches LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2023 Summer NA hide
05/27/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P US XenoDactyl LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #176 hide
05/22/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z US Fohnzii LotV online
05/22/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #175 hide
05/15/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P RU Forty LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2023 Summer NA hide
05/14/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P PE Agressif LotV online
05/14/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–1 T BR AreZ LotV online
05/14/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–1 Z CA Shiny LotV online
Chat StarLeague #17 hide
05/13/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P RU Strannik LotV online
05/13/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P FR Cobblestone LotV online
05/13/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 T VN DinK LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #174 hide
05/08/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P BR victorbansemer LotV online
05/08/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z KR Solar LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #173 hide
05/01/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T KR GuMiho LotV online
05/01/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 T US XDecker LotV online
Chat StarLeague #16 hide
04/29/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P CN XingMing LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #172 hide
04/24/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US Epic LotV online
04/24/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z US mason LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #170 hide
04/10/2023 ZesTea US Z 1–2 Z PL BadBorz LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2023 Season 1 hide
03/25/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–3 Z CR EON LotV online
03/25/2023 ZesTea US Z 1–3 P CA Maplez LotV online
03/25/2023 ZesTea US Z 2–1 P US Creature LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #167 hide
03/20/2023 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
GdA Inhouse Cup 2022 #12 hide
06/18/2022 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T RO AdyTricck LotV online
EZDUNK Open Cup #6 hide
04/27/2021 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US Wonder LotV online
maraleCup #10 hide
04/05/2021 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P DE Rhoust LotV online
DuSt Gaming Open #1 hide
02/16/2019 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z CZ amberdrake LotV online
02/16/2019 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z DE RaketeTuerHD LotV online
02/16/2019 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
Platy-pro Weekly #22 hide
06/02/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T KR Spear LotV online
The Gauntlet Global Open #43 hide
05/13/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US Future LotV online
Platy-pro Weekly #19 hide
05/12/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–1 T US Future LotV online
05/12/2018 ZesTea US Z 1–0 P US Zeal LotV online
05/12/2018 ZesTea US Z 1–0 Z AU Vivid LotV online
05/12/2018 ZesTea US Z 1–0 T US DisReSpeCT LotV online
05/12/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z CZ Keiras LotV online
Platy-pro Weekly #18 hide
05/05/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z CA Bioice LotV online
Platy-pro Weekly #16 hide
04/21/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–1 Z AU Vivid LotV online
04/21/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P PL Romson LotV online
04/21/2018 ZesTea US Z 1–1 T US LastSurprise LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #93 hide
04/19/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T CL Jarppi LotV online
04/19/2018 ZesTea US Z 2–0 T CA IvicaOs LotV online
WardiTV Weekly 2018 Season 4 Finals hide
04/19/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z AT HateMe LotV online
TopTierPractice Starcraft II League 2018 Season 1 Qualifiers hide
04/15/2018 ZesTea US Z 2–1 P CH Daniisevil LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #111 hide
04/15/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–1 P US Hupsaiya LotV online
04/15/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P CA YenFu LotV online
Midwest Cup 15 hide
04/14/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P US Rengen LotV online
04/14/2018 ZesTea US Z 1–2 Z US Hunta LotV online
04/14/2018 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P US VampyWorm LotV online
Platy-pro Weekly #14 hide
04/07/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–1 Z FR Barbarossa LotV online
04/07/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P PL Rodzyn LotV online
WCS 2018 Austin hide
04/07/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T CA Jason LotV online
04/07/2018 ZesTea US Z 2–0 R US ArchonicX LotV online
04/07/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z US aGiLe LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #92 hide
04/05/2018 ZesTea US Z 1–2 T CA BossTerraN LotV online
SC2Online OSC Melee #29 hide
04/01/2018 ZesTea US Z 1–2 Z US Hunta LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #85 hide
02/24/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US FoxeR LotV online
Platy-pro Weekly #8 hide
02/24/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–1 Z FR Barbarossa LotV online
02/24/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P US Seigifried LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #86 hide
02/22/2018 ZesTea US Z 1–2 P CA YenFu LotV online
WardiTV Team League Season 8 hide
02/08/2018 ZesTea US Z 0–1 Z IT Reynor LotV online
Proxy Tempest Masters Melee #42 hide
06/26/2017 ZesTea US Z 1–2 T DE MisterL LotV online
06/26/2017 ZesTea US Z 2–1 T CA SpaceJam LotV online
WCS 2017 Jönköping Qualifiers North America hide
05/25/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T US WildGame LotV online
05/24/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z KR TRUE LotV online
05/24/2017 ZesTea US Z 2–0 T CA SqrtofnegOne LotV online
WCS 2017 Austin Qualifiers North America hide
03/30/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–1 P US Rhizer LotV online
DuSt League Season 4 hide
03/13/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–1 Z US Arkthelegend LotV online
03/13/2017 ZesTea US Z 1–0 T US BuBBa LotV online
03/13/2017 ZesTea US Z 1–0 P UK Hymirth LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #41 hide
03/02/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z MX Cham LotV online
The Nydus Opens #1 hide
02/18/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P US Annihilator LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 3 hide
02/05/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z CH PengWin LotV online
02/05/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P KR Hurricane LotV online
02/04/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z US Towelie LotV online
02/04/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z US PandaBearMe LotV online
02/04/2017 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P US Droptimus LotV online
02/04/2017 ZesTea US Z 2–1 T US Future LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft II League 2017 hide
01/30/2017 ZesTea US Z 1–2 Z US Shadowbites LotV online
The Nydus Clan Wars Super Clan War hide
01/29/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–1 T US Epic LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft II League 2017 hide
01/29/2017 ZesTea US Z 1–2 P US Early LotV online
01/28/2017 ZesTea US Z 1–2 Z CA Mackintac LotV online
IEM Season XI World Championship hide
01/26/2017 ZesTea US Z 0–2 T KR GuMiho LotV online
WardiTV Team League Season 7 hide
12/17/2016 ZesTea US Z 0–1 T FR Clem LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #29 hide
12/01/2016 ZesTea US Z 1–2 Z US CalebAracous LotV online
12/01/2016 ZesTea US Z 2–0 P US Seigifried LotV online
Proxy Tempest Masters Melee #4 hide
10/03/2016 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P CA NeXa LotV online
10/03/2016 ZesTea US Z 2–1 T CA Seryph LotV online
10/03/2016 ZesTea US Z 2–0 R raptor117 LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #20 hide
09/22/2016 ZesTea US Z 1–2 T US Cuddlebear LotV online
ESL Americas Open Cup #83 hide
08/28/2016 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z CL HalfBreed LotV online
08/28/2016 ZesTea US Z 1–0 T US ClassyKru LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Valencia hide
06/05/2016 ZesTea US Z 0–2 Z CA Steadfast LotV online
06/05/2016 ZesTea US Z 0–2 P CA TheDonald LotV online