StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to NightMares's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

24.32% (9/37)
788 ± 160
25.00% (2/8)
837 ± 226
16.67% (2/12)
758 ± 226
33.33% (5/15)
770 ± 226
788 ± 160
837 ± 226
758 ± 226
770 ± 226
All 927 ± 160 on April 26, 2017
vP 927 ± 226 on April 26, 2017
vT 960 ± 226 on April 26, 2017
vZ 894 ± 226 on April 26, 2017
Race Zerg
Country France
First match Feb. 22, 2016
Last match April 20, 2019
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 12284

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
04/20/2019 903 NightMares FR Z 0–2 T FR Ricus 1466 LotV offline
04/20/2019 903 NightMares FR Z 0–2 T FR Alkra 830 LotV offline
04/20/2019 869 NightMares FR Z 2–0 P FR rendy 679 LotV offline
04/20/2019 903 NightMares FR Z 0–2 T FR bonsai 1563 LotV offline
04/20/2019 880 NightMares FR Z 1–2 Z FR StratoS 856 LotV offline
04/20/2019 880 NightMares FR Z 1–2 Z FR Grumpy 753 LotV offline
01/07/2018 872 NightMares FR Z 0–1 P DK PappiJoe 1210 LotV online
01/07/2018 854 NightMares FR Z 1–0 Z DE Swing 833 LotV online
01/05/2018 872 NightMares FR Z 0–1 P UA Hellraiser 1760 LotV online
06/27/2017 878 NightMares FR Z 0–2 P KR Billowy 1962 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Almost Perfect eSports Club April 11, 2017 no