StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to TheMon's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

14.29% (3/21)
850 ± 160
9.09% (1/11)
841 ± 226
50.00% (2/4)
862 ± 226
848 ± 226
850 ± 160
841 ± 226
862 ± 226
848 ± 226
All 960 ± 160 on May 24, 2017
vP 960 ± 226 on May 24, 2017
vT 960 ± 226 on May 24, 2017
vZ 960 ± 226 on May 24, 2017
Race Zerg
Country Vietnam
First match Feb. 21, 2016
Last match Sept. 22, 2019
Aligulac ID 12122

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/22/2019 844 TheMon VN Z 1–2 P VN JusticeSimon 1046 LotV online
09/01/2019 855 TheMon VN Z 0–2 P VN ThuocLao 1224 LotV online
08/25/2019 874 TheMon VN Z 0–2 P VN RGPAAT 1011 LotV online
08/11/2019 945 TheMon VN Z 0–2 Z VN HuySolo 752 LotV online
08/04/2019 934 TheMon VN Z 0–2 P VN RGPAAT 917 LotV online
06/15/2019 960 TheMon VN Z 0–2 P VN Kyuubi 986 LotV online
06/15/2019 960 TheMon VN Z 0–2 T VN Lovegaugau LotV online
06/15/2019 960 TheMon VN Z 2–0 T VN Parkson 855 LotV online
02/21/2016 TheMon VN Z 0–2 Z PH EnDerr 1650 LotV online
02/21/2016 TheMon VN Z 0–2 Z AU Yours 985 LotV online