StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to TKL's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

26.49% (49/185)
716 ± 160
23.19% (16/69)
683 ± 226
25.76% (17/66)
698 ± 226
29.17% (14/48)
767 ± 226
716 ± 160
683 ± 226
698 ± 226
767 ± 226
All 987 ± 160 on Dec. 9, 2015
vP 987 ± 226 on Dec. 9, 2015
vT 987 ± 226 on Dec. 9, 2015
vZ 987 ± 226 on Dec. 9, 2015
Race Protoss
Country France
Full name Rémi Hibon
First match Aug. 13, 2015
Last match Sept. 22, 2023
Total earnings $87
Matches played 94 (14.89% offline)
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 11319

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/22/2023 727 TKL FR P 0–3 T CA UpATree 968 LotV online
09/04/2023 732 TKL FR P 0–2 P GR Statis 1009 LotV online
07/24/2023 713 TKL FR P 0–2 P PL MaNa 2662 LotV online
07/24/2023 763 TKL FR P 2–0 Z PL darling 941 LotV online
06/05/2023 713 TKL FR P 0–2 T RU Nicoract 1880 LotV online
05/29/2023 717 TKL FR P 0–2 P FR arrogfire 2200 LotV online
05/08/2023 730 TKL FR P 0–2 P CZ sebesdes 957 LotV online
05/01/2023 682 TKL FR P 0–2 T IT BabyMarine 1939 LotV online
05/01/2023 734 TKL FR P 2–0 Z PL BadBorz 859 LotV online
05/01/2023 682 TKL FR P 2–0 T DK Aggression 1038 LotV online