StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to FurY's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

23.91% (11/46)
650 ± 160
664 ± 226
31.25% (5/16)
638 ± 226
21.05% (4/19)
648 ± 226
650 ± 160
664 ± 226
638 ± 226
648 ± 226
All 1044 ± 160 (#382) on Oct. 14, 2015
vP 1044 ± 226 (#380) on Oct. 14, 2015
vT 1035 ± 226 (#409) on Oct. 14, 2015
vZ 1053 ± 226 (#381) on Oct. 14, 2015
Race Zerg
Country Germany
First match Aug. 27, 2015
Last match Oct. 24, 2018
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 11242

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
10/24/2018 665 FurY DE Z 0–2 Z NL ZjonPater 1027 LotV online
10/10/2018 802 FurY DE Z 0–1 T DE BeAsT 822 LotV online
10/10/2018 854 FurY DE Z 0–1 P DE Seracis 924 LotV online
10/10/2018 792 FurY DE Z 2–0 Z NO MasterNoodle 637 LotV online
10/06/2018 802 FurY DE Z 0–1 T US Wonder 772 LotV online
10/06/2018 854 FurY DE Z 0–2 P CN Daydreamer 1120 LotV online
10/06/2018 854 FurY DE Z 0–2 P PL Parodix 806 LotV online
10/06/2018 802 FurY DE Z 0–3 T RU MilkiCow 965 LotV online
10/06/2018 802 FurY DE Z 2–0 T ZA TerranLord 453 LotV online
10/03/2018 854 FurY DE Z 0–2 P KZ LIGHTWEIGHT 919 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Deadly Gaming no