StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


孤独久了真会累 Summary Rating history Match history Adjustments

Due to 孤独久了真会累's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

10.53% (4/38)
855 ± 160
830 ± 226
15.38% (2/13)
848 ± 226
18.18% (2/11)
886 ± 226
855 ± 160
830 ± 226
848 ± 226
886 ± 226
All 972 ± 160 on March 16, 2016
vP 972 ± 226 on March 16, 2016
vT 972 ± 226 on March 16, 2016
vZ 972 ± 226 on March 16, 2016
Race Terran
Country China
AKA loneliness
First match July 28, 2015
Last match Aug. 13, 2022
Aligulac ID 11071

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
08/13/2022 846 孤独久了真会累 CN T 0–2 P CN YZMX 913 LotV online
08/13/2022 846 孤独久了真会累 CN T 0–2 P CN MacSed 1849 LotV online
08/13/2022 852 孤独久了真会累 CN T 0–2 T CN Oriana 1095 LotV online
08/13/2022 837 孤独久了真会累 CN T 2–0 Z CN Madlife 915 LotV online
12/03/2020 857 孤独久了真会累 CN T 0–2 T CN Coffee 1830 LotV online
11/26/2020 858 孤独久了真会累 CN T 0–2 T KR INnoVation 2927 LotV online
11/19/2020 853 孤独久了真会累 CN T 0–2 P KR Patience 2454 LotV online
11/05/2020 845 孤独久了真会累 CN T 0–2 Z KR Solar 2907 LotV online
10/17/2017 867 孤独久了真会累 CN T 0–1 Z CN Sakya 1090 LotV online
10/17/2017 875 孤独久了真会累 CN T 0–2 P TW Has 1646 LotV online