StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


FläskFräsarN Summary Rating history Match history Adjustments

Due to FläskFräsarN's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

38.89% (21/54)
925 ± 160
43.48% (10/23)
922 ± 226
36.36% (4/11)
954 ± 226
35.00% (7/20)
899 ± 226
925 ± 160
922 ± 226
954 ± 226
899 ± 226
All 954 ± 160 on Nov. 11, 2015
vP 954 ± 226 on Nov. 11, 2015
vT 954 ± 226 on Nov. 21, 2018
vZ 954 ± 226 on Nov. 11, 2015
Race Protoss
Country Sweden
Full name Simon Boras
AKA KingSwimps, FlaskFrasarN
First match June 15, 2015
Last match Oct. 1, 2017
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 10908

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
10/01/2017 903 FläskFräsarN SE P 2–0 P US Seigifried 1023 LotV online
09/24/2017 886 FläskFräsarN SE P 0–2 Z CR EON 1060 LotV online
09/24/2017 886 FläskFräsarN SE P 2–1 Z CZ PikA 1045 LotV online
09/19/2017 915 FläskFräsarN SE P 0–1 P SE Gunbuster 1049 LotV online
09/09/2017 791 FläskFräsarN SE T 3–0 Z BE Peert 951 LotV online
09/09/2017 828 FläskFräsarN SE T 2–0 P ZA PhoenixTears 792 LotV online
09/09/2017 828 FläskFräsarN SE T 2–0 P UK Magico LotV online
08/17/2016 836 FläskFräsarN SE T 0–1 P FR Mraptor 843 LotV online
07/20/2016 836 FläskFräsarN SE T 1–0 P LV BatmanApollo 976 LotV online
07/08/2016 836 FläskFräsarN SE T 0–1 P CH Schedar 868 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Infinite Edge Esports no