StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Rare's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

34.23% (102/298)
880 ± 160
21.59% (19/88)
846 ± 226
35.58% (37/104)
911 ± 226
40.43% (38/94)
884 ± 226
880 ± 160
846 ± 226
911 ± 226
884 ± 226
All 964 ± 117 (#872) on Sept. 26, 2018
vP 965 ± 159 (#869) on Oct. 10, 2018
vT 1017 ± 157 (#492) on Sept. 26, 2018
vZ 933 ± 176 (#1195) on May 27, 2015
Race Zerg
Country El Salvador
AKA Rare#984, vladi
Team Next Gaming
First match May 19, 2015
Last match Sept. 23, 2024
Total earnings $20
Matches played 137 (0.00% offline)
Aligulac ID 10463

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/23/2024 915 Rare SV Z 1–2 T FI Luolis 1117 LotV online
08/19/2024 892 Rare SV Z 0–2 Z SE SortOf 2199 LotV online
08/19/2024 919 Rare SV Z 0–2 T DE BattleB 2369 LotV online
08/19/2024 919 Rare SV Z 2–0 T DE linoviajes 736 LotV online
08/12/2024 919 Rare SV Z 0–2 T US Patches 1030 LotV online
08/05/2024 886 Rare SV Z 0–2 Z FR Matt 1023 LotV online
07/29/2024 886 Rare SV Z 2–0 Z AU zergtanis 970 LotV online
07/29/2024 861 Rare SV Z 0–2 P US Bulmyeolja 1075 LotV online
07/22/2024 865 Rare SV Z 0–2 P RU Shameless 1969 LotV online
07/22/2024 854 Rare SV Z 2–0 Z AU zergtanis LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Next Gaming yes