StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to plopzito's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

28.57% (8/28)
872 ± 160
33.33% (3/9)
885 ± 226
40.00% (2/5)
876 ± 226
25.00% (3/12)
854 ± 226
872 ± 160
885 ± 226
876 ± 226
854 ± 226
All 961 ± 160 on Dec. 9, 2015
vP 961 ± 226 on Dec. 9, 2015
vT 961 ± 226 on Dec. 9, 2015
vZ 961 ± 226 on Dec. 9, 2015
Race Zerg
Country Peru
First match May 19, 2015
Last match May 20, 2018
Aligulac ID 10450

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
05/20/2018 899 plopzito PE Z 0–2 R BR AndrezinhoBH LotV online
05/20/2018 899 plopzito PE Z 0–2 Z BR Erik 1679 LotV online
05/20/2018 888 plopzito PE Z 2–0 P BR Duckdodgers 932 LotV online
05/11/2018 910 plopzito PE Z 0–2 T PE Shellbee 958 LotV online
05/11/2018 910 plopzito PE Z 2–0 T BR Yanes 693 LotV online
05/11/2018 899 plopzito PE Z 0–2 Z MX JimRising 1685 LotV online
05/11/2018 899 plopzito PE Z 2–1 Z AU Light_VIP 697 LotV online
04/17/2016 935 plopzito PE Z 0–1 T SE Trussell 979 LotV online
04/16/2016 935 plopzito PE Z 0–2 P CO AsusWing 1079 LotV online
04/16/2016 935 plopzito PE Z 1–2 P BR ProMaThos 905 LotV online