StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates Jan. 24, 2016 to Oct. 21, 2017
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Prizepool A$4,000
(= $14,161)
Players 112
Games 1272
Matches 623
PvT 68–102 (40.00%)
PvZ 84–159 (34.57%)
TvZ 210–176 (54.40%)
Mirrors 67 PvP, 145 TvT, 261 ZvZ
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October Final hide (1)
10/21/2017 Probe AU P 3–0 P AU Frustration LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October LB Round 6 hide (1)
10/21/2017 Yours AU Z 2–0 T AU HuT LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October LB Round 5 hide (2)
10/21/2017 Crimson NZ Z 0–2 T AU HuT LotV online
10/21/2017 Yours AU Z 2–0 T AU Seither LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October LB Round 4 hide (2)
10/21/2017 Pezz AU P 0–2 T AU HuT LotV online
10/21/2017 Vivid AU Z 1–2 T AU Seither LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October LB Round 3 hide (4)
10/21/2017 HuT AU T 2–0 Z AU Wally LotV online
10/21/2017 Pezz AU P 2–1 P AU Luneth LotV online
10/21/2017 Seither AU T 2–0 Z AU iaguz LotV online
10/21/2017 Azure AU T 1–2 Z AU Vivid LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October LB Round 2 hide (3)
10/21/2017 Ice AU P 0–2 Z AU Wally LotV online
10/21/2017 iaguz AU Z 2–0 Z AU Chase LotV online
10/21/2017 ErebusBlack AU Z 0–2 Z AU Vivid LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October LB Round 1 hide (1)
10/21/2017 iaguz AU Z 2–0 P AU GnuGnu LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October WB Final hide (1)
10/21/2017 Frustration AU P 0–2 P AU Probe LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October WB Ro4 hide (2)
10/21/2017 Probe AU P 2–0 Z AU Yours LotV online
10/21/2017 Frustration AU P 2–1 Z NZ Crimson LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October WB Ro8 hide (4)
10/21/2017 Yours AU Z 2–0 P AU Pezz LotV online
10/21/2017 Probe AU P 2–1 T AU HuT LotV online
10/21/2017 Crimson NZ Z 2–1 T AU Azure LotV online
10/21/2017 Seither AU T 1–2 P AU Frustration LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October WB Ro16 hide (7)
10/21/2017 Pezz AU P 2–1 Z AU iaguz LotV online
10/21/2017 Yours AU Z 2–0 Z AU Chase LotV online
10/21/2017 ErebusBlack AU Z 0–2 T AU HuT LotV online
10/21/2017 Probe AU P 2–0 Z AU Vivid LotV online
10/21/2017 Ice AU P 0–2 T AU Azure LotV online
10/21/2017 Crimson NZ Z 2–1 Z AU Wally LotV online
10/21/2017 Seither AU T 2–0 P AU Luneth LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 October WB Ro32 hide (1)
10/21/2017 GnuGnu AU P 0–2 P AU Luneth LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 September Final hide (1)
09/17/2017 Probe AU P 3–1 Z NZ Crimson LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 September LB Round 6 hide (1)
09/17/2017 Crimson NZ Z 2–1 Z NZ MightyKiwi LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 September LB Round 5 hide (1)
09/17/2017 MightyKiwi NZ Z 2–0 T AU HuT LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 September LB Round 4 hide (2)
09/17/2017 Chase AU Z 0–2 T AU HuT LotV online
09/17/2017 MightyKiwi NZ Z 2–1 Z AU Yours LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 September LB Round 3 hide (2)
09/17/2017 Chase AU Z 2–0 Z AU Vivid LotV online
09/17/2017 Yours AU Z 2–0 P AU Ice LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 September LB Round 2 hide (3)
09/17/2017 Chase AU Z 2–0 Z AU JaRb LotV online
09/17/2017 Vivid AU Z 2–0 Z AU ErebusBlack LotV online
09/17/2017 Yours AU Z 2–0 T AU FuelY LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 September WB Final hide (1)
09/17/2017 Probe AU P 2–0 Z NZ Crimson LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 September WB Ro4 hide (2)
09/17/2017 Crimson NZ Z 2–1 Z NZ MightyKiwi LotV online
09/17/2017 Probe AU P 2–0 T AU HuT LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 September WB Ro8 hide (4)
09/17/2017 Vivid AU Z 0–2 Z NZ MightyKiwi LotV online
09/17/2017 Crimson NZ Z 2–0 Z AU Chase LotV online
09/17/2017 Yours AU Z 0–2 T AU HuT LotV online
09/17/2017 Probe AU P 2–0 Z AU Wally LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 September WB Ro16 hide (6)
09/17/2017 Ice AU P 0–2 Z AU Vivid LotV online
09/17/2017 FuelY AU T 0–2 Z AU Chase LotV online
09/17/2017 Crimson NZ Z 2–0 Z AU Yuhang LotV online
09/17/2017 JaRb AU Z 0–2 T AU HuT LotV online
09/17/2017 Yours AU Z 1–0 T AU Initiative LotV online
09/17/2017 ErebusBlack AU Z 0–2 Z AU Wally LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 July Final hide (1)
07/15/2017 Frustration AU P 2–3 T AU Seither LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 July LB Round 5 hide (1)
07/15/2017 Seither AU T 2–0 T AU Azure LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 July LB Round 4 hide (1)
07/15/2017 Azure AU T 2–1 Z NZ MightyKiwi LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 July LB Round 3 hide (2)
07/15/2017 MightyKiwi NZ Z 2–0 T AU RunaMoK LotV online
07/15/2017 Azure AU T 2–1 Z NZ Crimson LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 July LB Round 2 hide (2)
07/15/2017 RunaMoK AU T 2–0 Z AU ErebusBlack LotV online
07/15/2017 Crimson NZ Z 2–0 Z AU Vivid LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 July LB Round 1 hide (2)
07/15/2017 Vivid AU Z 2–0 P AU Schnitzel LotV online
07/15/2017 Crimson NZ Z 2–0 P AU Ice LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 July WB Final hide (1)
07/15/2017 Frustration AU P 2–1 T AU Seither LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 July WB Ro4 hide (2)
07/15/2017 Azure AU T 1–2 T AU Seither LotV online
07/15/2017 MightyKiwi NZ Z 0–2 P AU Frustration LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 July WB Ro8 hide (4)
07/15/2017 Yours AU Z 1–2 T AU Seither LotV online
07/15/2017 Azure AU T 2–1 Z AU NXZ LotV online
07/15/2017 Frustration AU P 2–0 Z NZ Crimson LotV online
07/15/2017 MightyKiwi NZ Z 2–0 Z AU Vivid LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 July WB Ro16 hide (4)
07/15/2017 Yours AU Z 2–0 P AU Schnitzel LotV online
07/15/2017 Ice AU P 0–2 Z AU NXZ LotV online
07/15/2017 Frustration AU P 2–0 Z AU ErebusBlack LotV online
07/15/2017 RunaMoK AU T 2–0 Z AU Vivid LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March Final hide (1)
03/18/2017 iaguz AU T 3–0 Z NZ Petraeus LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March LB Round 7 hide (1)
03/18/2017 Petraeus NZ Z 2–1 Z AU PiG LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March LB Round 6 hide (1)
03/18/2017 Azure AU T 0–2 Z AU PiG LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March LB Round 5 hide (2)
03/18/2017 PiG AU Z 2–1 Z NZ MightyKiwi LotV online
03/18/2017 Azure AU T 2–0 T AU Seither LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March LB Round 4 hide (2)
03/18/2017 Crimson NZ Z 0–2 Z NZ MightyKiwi LotV online
03/18/2017 Probe AU P 0–2 T AU Seither LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March LB Round 3 hide (4)
03/18/2017 MightyKiwi NZ Z 2–0 T AU HuT LotV online
03/18/2017 Crimson NZ Z 2–1 Z AU Peppy LotV online
03/18/2017 Seither AU T 2–1 Z AU Yours LotV online
03/18/2017 Probe AU P 2–0 Z AU Vivid LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March LB Round 2 hide (4)
03/18/2017 Chase AU Z 0–2 T AU HuT LotV online
03/18/2017 Peppy AU Z 2–0 Z AU Soundwave LotV online
03/18/2017 Lumiya AU T 0–2 Z AU Yours LotV online
03/18/2017 Vivid AU Z 2–0 P AU CaVaLieR LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March LB Round 1 hide (5)
03/18/2017 Lumiya AU T 1–0 Z AU Karleb LotV online
03/18/2017 Soundwave AU Z 1–0 T AU Theoman LotV online
03/18/2017 HuT AU T 2–1 T NZ Sparrow LotV online
03/18/2017 Chase AU Z 1–0 P AU Ice LotV online
03/18/2017 Vivid AU Z 1–0 P AU NaMeK LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March WB Final hide (1)
03/18/2017 Petraeus NZ Z 0–2 T AU iaguz LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March WB Ro4 hide (2)
03/18/2017 Azure AU T 0–2 T AU iaguz LotV online
03/18/2017 PiG AU Z 1–2 Z NZ Petraeus LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March WB Ro8 hide (4)
03/18/2017 Crimson NZ Z 0–2 T AU iaguz LotV online
03/18/2017 Azure AU T 2–0 Z NZ MightyKiwi LotV online
03/18/2017 Petraeus NZ Z 2–0 P AU Probe LotV online
03/18/2017 Seither AU T 1–2 Z AU PiG LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March WB Ro16 hide (8)
03/18/2017 Yours AU Z 0–2 Z NZ Crimson LotV online
03/18/2017 Lumiya AU T 0–2 T AU iaguz LotV online
03/18/2017 Vivid AU Z 0–2 Z NZ MightyKiwi LotV online
03/18/2017 Azure AU T 2–0 P AU CaVaLieR LotV online
03/18/2017 Chase AU Z 0–2 P AU Probe LotV online
03/18/2017 Petraeus NZ Z 2–0 T AU HuT LotV online
03/18/2017 Peppy AU Z 0–2 Z AU PiG LotV online
03/18/2017 Seither AU T 2–0 Z AU Soundwave LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 March WB Ro32 hide (6)
03/18/2017 Lumiya AU T 2–0 T AU Theoman LotV online
03/18/2017 Soundwave AU Z 2–0 Z AU Karleb LotV online
03/18/2017 Sparrow NZ T 1–2 Z AU Vivid LotV online
03/18/2017 Ice AU P 0–2 P AU CaVaLieR LotV online
03/18/2017 Chase AU Z 2–0 P AU Luneth LotV online
03/18/2017 NaMeK AU P 0–2 T AU HuT LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February Final hide (1)
02/05/2017 ByuN KR T 3–0 T KR jjakji LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February LB Round 9 hide (1)
02/05/2017 Bly UA Z 0–2 T KR jjakji LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February LB Round 8 hide (1)
02/05/2017 jjakji KR T 2–1 P US PiLiPiLi LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February LB Round 7 hide (1)
02/05/2017 TRUE KR Z 1–2 T KR jjakji LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February LB Round 6 hide (2)
02/05/2017 Demi IN Z 0–2 P US PiLiPiLi LotV online
02/05/2017 jjakji KR T 2–0 T AU Seither LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February LB Round 5 hide (3)
02/05/2017 Solar KR Z 1–2 P US PiLiPiLi LotV online
02/05/2017 Winter SE Z 0–2 Z IN Demi LotV online
02/05/2017 Probe AU P 0–2 T KR jjakji LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February LB Round 4 hide (4)
02/05/2017 PiLiPiLi US P 1–0 T AU Azure LotV online
02/05/2017 Demi IN Z 1–0 P AU Arrival LotV online
02/05/2017 Swaghar US P 0–1 P KR Zest LotV online
02/05/2017 Kelazhur BR T 0–1 T KR jjakji LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February LB Round 3 hide (5)
02/05/2017 PiLiPiLi US P 1–0 Z TW Cell LotV online
02/05/2017 PiG AU Z 0–1 P KR Zest LotV online
02/05/2017 Swaghar US P 1–0 Z MD NYO LotV online
02/05/2017 jjakji KR T 1–0 P AU Ice LotV online
02/05/2017 Cham MX Z 0–1 T BR Kelazhur LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February LB Round 2 hide (5)
02/05/2017 BLord PE Z 0–1 T AU Azure LotV online
02/05/2017 Cell TW Z 1–0 P LU JackO LotV online
02/05/2017 Demi IN Z 1–0 P PL LordTVone LotV online
02/05/2017 Zest KR P 1–0 Z US SyberCat LotV online
02/05/2017 Ice AU P 1–0 P AU CaVaLieR LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February LB Round 1 hide (2)
02/05/2017 Vivid AU Z 0–1 P LU JackO LotV online
02/05/2017 Kelazhur BR T 1–0 T JP PSiArc LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February WB Final hide (1)
02/05/2017 Bly UA Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February WB Ro4 hide (2)
02/05/2017 TRUE KR Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
02/05/2017 Bly UA Z 2–0 Z NZ Petraeus LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February WB Ro8 hide (4)
02/05/2017 Winter SE Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
02/05/2017 Solar KR Z 0–2 Z KR TRUE LotV online
02/05/2017 Probe AU P 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
02/05/2017 Seither AU T 0–2 Z NZ Petraeus LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February WB Ro16 hide (7)
02/05/2017 ByuN KR T 2–0 P US Swaghar LotV online
02/05/2017 PiG AU Z 1–2 Z SE Winter LotV online
02/05/2017 TRUE KR Z 2–1 Z MX Cham LotV online
02/05/2017 Solar KR Z 2–1 T KR jjakji LotV online
02/05/2017 PiLiPiLi US P 1–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
02/05/2017 iaguz AU T 1–2 P AU Probe LotV online
02/05/2017 JusticeSimon VN P 0–2 T AU Seither LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February WB Ro32 hide (12)
02/05/2017 ByuN KR T 2–0 P AU Arrival LotV online
02/05/2017 Winter SE Z 2–0 Z IN Demi LotV online
02/05/2017 LordTVone PL P 0–2 Z AU PiG LotV online
02/05/2017 Cham MX Z 2–0 Z CH PengWin LotV online
02/05/2017 Azure AU T 0–2 Z KR TRUE LotV online
02/05/2017 jjakji KR T 2–0 Z TW Cell LotV online
02/05/2017 Solar KR Z 2–0 Z AU Vivid LotV online
02/05/2017 Yours AU Z 1–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
02/05/2017 PiLiPiLi US P 2–0 P AU CaVaLieR LotV online
02/05/2017 dahaka BO P 0–2 P AU Probe LotV online
02/05/2017 iaguz AU T 2–1 T BR Kelazhur LotV online
02/05/2017 Seither AU T 2–0 Z MD NYO LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2017 February WB Ro64 hide (5)
02/05/2017 Cloudy CN P 1–2 Z AU PiG LotV online
02/05/2017 Cham MX Z 2–1 T JP PSiArc LotV online
02/05/2017 Vivid AU Z 2–0 P AU Ice LotV online
02/05/2017 Yours AU Z 2–0 P LU JackO LotV online
02/05/2017 BLord PE Z 0–2 T BR Kelazhur LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October Final hide (1)
10/15/2016 Seither AU T 3–0 Z SE Winter LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October LB Round 7 hide (1)
10/15/2016 Demi IN Z 1–2 Z SE Winter LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October LB Round 6 hide (1)
10/15/2016 Winter SE Z 2–1 T AU Azure LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October LB Round 5 hide (2)
10/15/2016 PSiArc JP T 1–2 T AU Azure LotV online
10/15/2016 iaguz AU T 1–2 Z SE Winter LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October LB Round 4 hide (2)
10/15/2016 Yours AU Z 0–2 T AU Azure LotV online
10/15/2016 Winter SE Z 2–0 Z AU Vivid LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October LB Round 3 hide (2)
10/15/2016 Azure AU T 1–0 Z AU Chase LotV online
10/15/2016 Yours AU Z 1–0 T AU RunaMoK LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October LB Round 2 hide (3)
10/15/2016 Peppy AU Z 0–1 T AU RunaMoK LotV online
10/15/2016 Vivid AU Z 1–0 T SG Elusory LotV online
10/15/2016 Winter SE Z 1–0 P AU Arrival LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October LB Round 1 hide (7)
10/15/2016 Chase AU Z 1–0 Z VN Uply LotV online
10/15/2016 Soundwave AU Z 2–1 T AU Rendorian LotV online
10/15/2016 JusticeSimon VN P 0–1 T AU RunaMoK LotV online
10/15/2016 Peppy AU Z 1–0 T VN chiOt LotV online
10/15/2016 MeomaikA VN Z 0–1 Z AU Vivid LotV online
10/15/2016 Arrival AU P 1–0 P AU CaVaLieR LotV online
10/15/2016 Winter SE Z 1–0 T AU aconcises LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October WB Final hide (1)
10/15/2016 Seither AU T 2–0 Z IN Demi LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October WB Ro4 hide (2)
10/15/2016 Demi IN Z 2–0 T AU iaguz LotV online
10/15/2016 Seither AU T 2–0 T JP PSiArc LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October WB Ro8 hide (4)
10/15/2016 Yours AU Z 0–2 T AU iaguz LotV online
10/15/2016 Demi IN Z 2–0 T AU Azure LotV online
10/15/2016 PSiArc JP T 2–1 P AU Probe LotV online
10/15/2016 Seither AU T 2–0 Z AU Wally LotV online
ESL ANZ Cup 2016 October WB Ro16 hide (8)
10/15/2016 MeomaikA VN Z 0–2 T AU iaguz LotV online
10/15/2016 Elusory SG T 0–2 Z AU Yours LotV online
10/15/2016 Winter SE Z 1–2 T AU Azure LotV online
10/15/2016 Demi IN Z 2–0 P AU Arrival LotV online
10/15/2016 Soundwave AU Z 0–2 P AU Probe LotV online

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