StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to ElegancE's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

32.95% (86/261)
629 ± 160
30.48% (32/105)
610 ± 226
41.33% (31/75)
696 ± 226
24.00% (18/75)
581 ± 226
629 ± 160
610 ± 226
696 ± 226
581 ± 226
All 945 ± 160 (#733) on April 30, 2014
vP 946 ± 226 (#747) on April 30, 2014
vT 964 ± 226 (#662) on April 30, 2014
vZ 926 ± 176 (#793) on March 19, 2014
Race Protoss
Country Canada
Full name George Badea
First match March 8, 2014
Last match March 25, 2023
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 7939

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
03/25/2023 633 ElegancE CA P 0–2 P CA AeiS 868 LotV online
03/25/2023 600 ElegancE CA P 0–2 Z CA Flood 1086 LotV online
02/25/2023 615 ElegancE CA P 1–2 P UA gunner 1041 LotV online
02/25/2023 615 ElegancE CA P 2–1 P CA Fletch 768 LotV online
02/25/2023 615 ElegancE CA P 2–1 P US BeNeFiT 766 LotV online
02/19/2023 618 ElegancE CA P 1–2 P CA AeiS 836 LotV online
01/28/2023 706 ElegancE CA P 1–2 T TW KnockKnock 770 LotV online
01/28/2023 706 ElegancE CA P 2–0 T BR INexorable 935 LotV online
01/28/2023 630 ElegancE CA P 0–2 Z CA Shiny 954 LotV online
01/26/2023 630 ElegancE CA P 0–2 Z SE Fjant 1379 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Imperative Gaming no
Team Gosu Jan. 20, 2023 Aug. 13, 2023 no