StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Adios's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

28.36% (19/67)
1055 ± 160
22.58% (7/31)
1041 ± 226
27.27% (3/11)
1044 ± 226
36.00% (9/25)
1079 ± 226
1055 ± 160
1041 ± 226
1044 ± 226
1079 ± 226
All 1189 ± 153 (#277) on Dec. 11, 2013
vP 1189 ± 216 (#274) on Dec. 11, 2013
vT 1189 ± 221 (#278) on Dec. 11, 2013
vZ 1189 ± 221 (#277) on Dec. 11, 2013
Race Zerg
Country South Korea
Romanized name Kim Ki Tae
First match Nov. 2, 2013
Last match Feb. 24, 2015
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 5757

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
02/24/2015 1116 Adios KR Z 0–2 Z PE CatZ 1358 HotS online
02/24/2015 1066 Adios KR Z 2–1 P FR PsiOniC 1337 HotS online
02/24/2015 1066 Adios KR Z 0–2 P KR Blaze 1399 HotS online
02/23/2015 1066 Adios KR Z 0–2 P KR YB 1608 HotS online
01/17/2015 1074 Adios KR Z 0–2 P KR Seed 1589 HotS online
01/17/2015 1097 Adios KR Z 1–0 Z MN Sioras 941 HotS online
01/03/2015 1079 Adios KR Z 0–2 T KR Ryung 1711 HotS online
12/15/2014 1105 Adios KR Z 0–2 P KR Dear 2065 HotS offline
12/11/2014 1105 Adios KR Z 0–2 P KR PartinG 2110 HotS offline
11/11/2014 1090 Adios KR Z 0–2 T KR GuMiho 2111 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Jin Air Green Wings April 10, 2014 May 8, 2015 no